Wednesday, September 1, 2010

First post

I am starting a new blog, obviously! I have recently started searching for blogs from other mother's perspectives about where they live. I cannot find what I am looking for. It lead me to think that being in the military we are always moving to new areas and maybe I will be able to help other moms. I want to be able to post things about the area we live in and what there is to do in this area. When people start their search I hope I am able to give my opinions about a certain area. I will continue to write as we move and explore new areas.

Currently, we live in Seaside, California where my husband is receiving his Masters Degree at the Naval Postgraduate School. We live in Fort Ord in the old ugly houses. I do not recommend the old houses. You do save a great deal of money but if you have kids, it is tight at times and I would love more space.

I hope that as I continue my journey in California I can add some interesting facts about the area and help others, somehow.